Initiative Details
Project Name | A House to Call it Home |
Department/State/District | Department of Local Government Punjab |
Sector | Promoting livelihoods |
Year | 2021 |
Project Details |
Poor are the most vulnerable in society. Urban poor living in slums often miss out basic amenities and services like safe potable water, sanitation and toilets, making lives miserable for them. Having largely been excluded from the statutory planning processes has deepened the inequality. COVID 19 exacerbated the situation. To address the above, the Punjab Government came up with The Punjab Slum Dwellers (Proprietary Rights) Act (PSD Act) and Chief PUNJAB Increasing urbanization has also given rise to proliferation of slums in Punjab, both in large industrial as well as small agricultural towns. Minister’s Slum Development Program ‘Basera’. It is a collaborative effort of the Government involving, multiple stakeholders and partners such as State Government Departments, Urban Local Bodies, Non-Governmental Organisations and Communities. It addresses these fundamental pretexts of inequities that tie the slum dwellers to poverty, including the lack of tenure security. Through this initiative, it aims to adopt a two-pronged approach to address the vulnerability of 1.4 Million slum dwellers across 166 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in 23 Districts... Read More