Innovation for Viksit Bharat

Initiative Details

Project Name Ready to Play Gulal
Department/State/District Department of Agriculture
Sector Promoting livelihoods
Year 2018
Project Details


Palamu with 1.4 lakh hectare forest cover is known as the land of the palash, lac and mahua (Pa-la-mu). However, the alarming rate of deforestation has pressed the need for conservation of the forest cover without harming the livelihood of the local community. The State Government adopted strategies to make local women independent and connect palash trees with the identity and livelihood of the inhabitants. Protecting the naturally grown palash trees would aid livelihood generation with forest produce from the trees and enable water conservation by preventing soil erosion, resulting in improved chances of livelihood. Indiscreet cutting down of the lac forests of the Kundari lac bagaan has reduced the 421 acre forest cover to scattered patches of 60,000 palash trees and 100 kusum trees. ‘The palash flowers, which were previously left unused, especially during the spring season, are now being collected by women from various local Self Help Groups (SHGs) and converted into herbal gulal (coloured powder). ‘The processing machine installed in May 2017, resulted in the production of the first batch of gulal that weighed 400 kg, sold in 50 gm and 100 gm packets on pilot basis. directly in profit sharing as members of ‘The target for 2018 is fixed for the production of around 46,000 kg of gulal for which FINAL OUTCOMES Cooperative Society, which is at present collection of palash flowers was in full swing. Flower procurement centres were opened . ena Ce eee manufacturing herbal gulal in Kundari. in every block of Palamu District. This has forced the people to realise the economic + Production of lac by JFM ‘The lac bihan cultivation witnessed value of the forests and the forest produce... Read More