Innovation for Viksit Bharat

Initiative Details

Project Name Aiding the MOUNTAIN WOMEN
Department/State/District Department of Environment Conservation & Energy
Sector Promoting livelihoods
Year 2018
Project Details


The high altitude trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh is home to one of the finest natural fibres in the world, Pashmina. It is produced by a domesticated goat, Capra Hircus, which is reared by the Changpa, natives of cold and harsh highlands of Leh. The seminomadic Changpa depend mostly on their flocks of goats and herds of yak for their livelihood. They lack basic facilities, and live in relative poverty. Studies have proven that the total value of the Pashmina produced in Leh, after various value addition processes, is approximately $200 crore per annum. Out of this, only 710-12 crore per annum was retained in the local economy in Leh through the sale of raw Pashmina. There is a lucrative niche market for genuine, hand-made Pashmina products, The process of creating finished fabrics from Pashmina is labour intensive. Special skills are required to create delicate Pashmina fibre. A comprehensive plan Project Laksal, was designed by an independent Not for Profit Consultant, to build an institution, keeping sustainability and scalability in mind. The villages of Stok and Kharnakling were chosen for the pilot phase. A training module was devised and tested in the pilot phase of the project from JuneSeptember 2016... Read More